General EPP | Government Agencies with EPP Programs | Product Eval Tools | Topic Specific Resources
- Ecolabel Index (Is the largest global directory of ecolabels and as of today (10/14/2022) is tracking 456 ecolabels in 199 countries, and 25 industry sectors.
- EPA Environmentally Preferable Procurement (basic info, case studies, sample specs)
- NASPO Green Resources
- Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council
- Responsible Purchasing Network (policy examples, product guides, webinars)
Government Agencies with EPP Programs
Massachusetts, Commonwealth of
San Francisco, City and County of
Product Evaluation Tools & Guides
BEES (life cycle analysis of building materials)
Electronics TakeBack Coalition (guides for buying green electronics)
Environmental Benefits Calculator
EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (recycled content minimum guides)
Green Cleaning Pollution Prevention Calculator
Topic Specific “Green” Resources
Electronics & E-Waste: Electronics TakeBack Coalition Tools for Purchasers and EPEAT (eco-label)
Green Building: USGBC LEED and BEES (product eval tool) and
Green Cleaning: Healthy Schools Campaign and LEED Existing Building criteria for green cleaning and the Green Seal certification for cleaning services
Healthcare: Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm
Office (Greening of): SIJ Green Office Guide
Paper: Environmental Paper Network Buying Guide
Schools: Collaboration for High Performance Schools
Wood Products: FSC Product Search and Rainforest Relief selection guide
Atrium Properties: 5 Benefits of Having a Green Office Space
TIP: Also research various EcoLabels for additional “green” standards and products